Mac-Nutrition LIVE 2024
What are Mac-Nutrition LIVE Days?
The Mac-Nutrition LIVE Days are when we bring an industry-leading expert, or experts in to speak on a wide variety of topics, and to really promote evidence-based practice.
These days not only look at the theory of business, and the science of nutrition and soft skills but also the practicalities of working with clients and as a practitioner, in the real world. We use these days to not only educate our Mentoring Lab members, but also the general public who are interested in nutrition, and other practitioners within the industry.
Every Mac-Nutrition LIVE event also includes an evening social consisting of a three-course meal and famous after-party, providing the perfect opportunity to network with like-minded individuals and help cement true friendships and relationships in an otherwise lonely, dog-eat-dog industry.
Mac-Nutrition Mentoring Lab members are also privy to discounted tickets to all of our Mac-Nutrition LIVE events!
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