MNU A Day With Dr. Rob Yeung Conference Recordings
If you weren’t able to attend The A Day With Dr. Rob Yeung Conference, you can still watch all of the lectures via our professional recordings. Simply purchase a lecture separately or buy the Full Lecture Package at a discounted rate!
What’s included in the A Day With Rob Yeung Conference:
Boosting Your Learning Effectiveness (Dr. Rob Yeung)
Understanding what Confidence Is – and Isn’t (Dr. Rob Yeung)
Beating Imposterism and Boosting Confidence (Dr. Rob Yeung)
Treating your Clients like RATS (Dr. Rob Yeung)
All Lectures come with downloadable slides and are available in a state of the art dual screen display which allows you to watch the presenter and the slides simultaneously!
* Please remember the email address and password you set at checkout! You will need these to access the conference recordings!